Wednesday, 4 April 2012

WOYWW #148

Julia will be very pleased with me this week because it's only a quick post! Off to the dentist later with the children, I'm trying to stop them eating a bar of Galaxy and a yum yum at the moment.
Anyway here goes, this week you may notice a change in location:
Yes, it's my living room floor. I'm making Easter baskets for the family Easter Egg Hunt on Easter Sunday. Here's a couple which I have finished:
Right, that's me done today. I'll do a longer post tomorrow with all my Easter goodies plus a picture of a bannoffie pie!
Run over to Julia's blog to see all the more interesting places.


  1. Love your baskets, but the thought of that banoffie pie is making my mouth water. Have a Lovely Easter. Hugs Rita xx

  2. Oooh !! Easter Egg hunt!! I miss doing all that... trying to get a teenage lad into the 'spirit of things' is nigh on impossible!! *sighs* He's no fun!! *pouts* !! lol

    Take care and have a great Easter!

    Jackie x #17

  3. send me some bannofffie pieeeeeeee, i love it, have fun at the dentist, thanks for the snoop

    Judie xx no 121

  4. I could quite possibly have eaten a galaxy bar and yum yum at the same time before now, lol!! good luck trying to stop your kids :)
    Your Easter baskets are gorgeous! I'd like one for Easter Sunday too, pretty please!
    Hugs, LLJ #7 xx

  5. How did you guess ? That's my favourite! Great baskets, I've done some of these, they are quite quick to make and look great don't they? A tut of the bunny would be good, any chance?xx

  6. The living room floor! I try not to use it for more than temporary storage because the cats seem to think they can play too then, but I have had to expand to it on occasion. Great baskets!

  7. Loving the Easter baskets, especially the bunny one. Looking forward to banoffee pie tomorrow. Yum!

  8. I love the Easter baskets, they are gorgeous Jaki. I hope all went well at the dentist for you all.

    I am sorry I am a bit late this week!! Have a fab WOYWW and a lovely Easter, Luv Karen xx #173

  9. Oh Jaki how lovely. I've made absolutely Zero effort for Easter this year, I blame the diet....but I think it may be my baby's all grown u p and suddenly I haven't the same excuse! But fancy doing it on th efloor, omgeeee are your knees ok? Would make me stagger for a couple of days!!

  10. Those baskets are so adorable!! I'll be back to see more! #141

  11. very cute Easter baskets, banoffee pie sounds very appealing too, wish someone would make me one!

    thanks for sharing, Happy Easter, Debxx

  12. Hi there - LLJ again! Can you please email me through my blog?? Thank you! xx

  13. Cute baskets! Have fun with the easter egg hunt :) emilyx
