So, Anton left on Saturday and I had approximately 24 hours before the arrival of the next student!
I took him to the airport and left him in the care of the airline representative and went for a coffee and bun at Costa. When children fly as unaccompanied minors, you have to wait until the flight has departed before you can leave. This is in case there are any problems with the flight as you are responsible for them until they depart these shores! I was so frustrated though, I'd taken a book which I thought would keep me busy but it was not to be. Have you noticed these days that publishers aren't happy with merely providing you with something to read they have to provide you with questions to ask at book clubs and the first chapter of the author's next book? Well, it's flipping frustrating when you think you've got loads of book to read when in actual fact there's only a few pages of the story to complete!
Anyway, I amused myself for a little while until I received a text from Anton, in perfect English of course, telling me that he was on the plane! Hooray, I could leave!
My husband and youngest son were at the pub and my eldest was out with a friend so I had the house to myself for half an hour! Bliss. Do you know what I discovered in the student's room? Receipts totalling £834.78. Can you imagine being 12 years old and being able to spend that much on exactly what you want to? Madness.
We treated ourself to a curry and had a lovely evening just the four of us.
The next day was spent frantically cleaning, hoovering and shopping for the next visitor. Marc arrived around 2pm and seems to have brought the sunshine with him. We went to the pier for a little while just to give him some fresh air and a taste of the British seaside.
He spent the afternoon bonding with the children over a spot of mindless violence and killing (xbox!) then we had a big roast dinner. Another convert to Yorkshire puddings and gravy! You have no idea how hard some things are to explain to people!
Luckily, Marc likes football and wanted England to win last night. Unluckily, his wish wasn't granted so let's hope Spain do well in the semi finals.
So far so good this summer with the students. Last year was awful with 2 students out of four being awful! Looking forward to 7th July when I have a week off.
I'll leave you with another flower as I haven't got anything interesting to show you! This is the lavender in my garden and I was given the instructions on how to make lavender sugar yesterday. I'm going to give it a try and then make lavender scones and biscuits. Hopefully the snail spit will have gone by then!
I'm thinking that we need to have one of your roasts, purely in the name of research and quality control you understand... ;-)