Tuesday, 17 July 2012


Missing in action, that's me. I know I promised nearly two weeks ago that I'd post a shot for WOYWW, but that didn't materialise. Why? I've not been well! Typical isn't it? You work solid for five weeks and then you get a week off and you're ill. I wasn't dying or anything I just had an upset stomach for nine days which meant that I didn't feel up to much. I did manage to make two cards, because I had to. 
I also made some apricot jam, which was divine, and so easy. If you want to try it out, click on this link or look at my Facebook page, I took step by step photos. This is the final product

I also started a batch of Limoncello, but this takes two weeks. It is easy though, so don't let that put you off. It's well worth the wait

I also managed an ATC for a swap group I'm in, the theme was 'flowers'

I think I managed the brief!
So, on Sunday, our new student arrived; a Belgian. My first ever, but like buses, you wait seven years for one and then two come at the same time! He's very nice and very keen to learn, which is good, although too many questions before my coffee combined with my medication isn't such a good combo!
I'll leave you with another flower. Hopefully, it won't be as long til my next post.


  1. Hope you are all better now! Good to see you back though :-)

  2. Oh no! I'm sorry you were sick on your time off! I hate when that happens. I almost always got sick over Christmas or Thanksgiving break - so frustrating! I'm glad you are back and feeling better!

  3. Yes, nice pics, particularly like the one of the lemons. Hope you are feeling better now.
