Wednesday, 3 October 2012


I really must post more often! Here we are at WOYWW again and I haven't posted since last week. I've decided I need to find:

  • Make It Monday
  • Tasty Tips Tuesday
  • Thrifty Thursday
  • Found on the Floor Friday
  • Stories on Saturday
  • Sport on Sunday
So if anyone knows the links.......

Here goes with my mess desk today:
Top right as you look is the pile of stuff from a kitchen cupboard because the boiler man was returning to give me a full service and change my gasket! In the middle is my Martha Scoreboard, which was bought for me in America as I couldn't find one here. See that BIG bundle of twine? That's from Ally Pally from this amazing Dutch company, such good value at just over a fiver. On the to do list was cards. I ended up making 17 and a mess.

Last week some people seemed bemused and interested in equal measure by the mention of chilli jam. It's more of a relish than a jam to spread on toast. And, in the interests of public interest, I had to open a jar and eat some just to show you the finished result and a serving suggestion:

Ok, I'm off to visit some desks and so should you!


  1. Nice desk with lots going on. Love the relish, you must post the receipe. Francesca #54

  2. So is the chilli jam sweet or savory? Looks yummy with the cheese sandwiches! love all the cards out there to look at. Have a great week. Vickie #22

  3. So what was Ally Pally like this year...I couldn't make it. What else did you get??? there must be loads!!! You have to try to restrain yourself at these shows.....but it never works for me. My bank manager has a fit I'm sure, every time I go to a craft show!!
    X Julie (paperpathway) 59

  4. Love your christmas cards, clever idea with the stars, might have to snaffle that idea if you don't mind....
    Chilli Jam, yum yum all I would need is a spoon forget the cheese and crackers.

    Happy WOYWW oh and when you find those sites please let me know too. LOL

    Eliza #55

  5. Love those starry cards and what a good idea to make thankyou cards too. I'm toying with the idea of doing a couple of fairs before Christmas, but I've never sold my cards before.
    Fiona x

  6. You are one productive crafter. I love seeing a bunch of cards. It just makes me happy. This year, I finally starting using my Martha Stewart score board and love it.

    Close ups of food always make me drool. Thanks for sharing!

    Have a great day and if you have time hop on over to my desk.

    Belinda (77)

  7. You are organised or are those xmas cards for an xmas fair. The chilli jam looks GOOD, just like your rhubarb jam.

  8. Chilli jam! Yum, bet it was good :D
    Love your Christmas cards, especially the star ones, very elegant. They're the ones I'd buy in the shop! You have been busy!
    And did the boiler man have a big monkey wrench...????
    Hugs LLJ #1 (I texted Julia to let her know about the lack of linky, and went on about 30mins later and just was lucky to get the no 1 spot - pure chance!!)

  9. With cheese scones! LOVE those star cards, easily some of the best I have seen.

  10. That is quite a mess, but it came from lot's of creativity so that's ok! The cards are fab and the jam looks yummy! There's too much food being shown on blogs this morning and my tummy is rumbling!

    Happy WOYWW

  11. oh I love your blog, got to follow you, love your clean photos. Chilli jam? sounds interesting, is it hot an spicy? I love relishes and jams and am always trying something new. Great cards too. Sorry I am so late, I get very distracted lol Tracey No. ±93

  12. I love your blog!! everthing on it is awesome!!
    Have a great day!

  13. Lots to peek at on your desk and that bale of twine has got to be the biggest I've seen yet. The sweet chilli jam looks tasty and something the EM would really appreciate. I can't help you with most of your list but here's the link for Make It Monday - - hope it's what you're looking for. Hope you have a good week and a belated happy WOYWW too. Elizabeth x #49

  14. Hi Jaki, i popped across from FB after seeing your amazing ribbon tree! looks like you are a very busy lady, love those star cards too!

  15. I love your cards and the jam sounds delicious. I've tried both tomato and jalapeƱo jelly, but not chili. Blessings!
