Wednesday, 14 November 2012


Well here we are again at Wednesday. Do you know what today marks? It is my last 7 days in my forties! Yes this time next week my WOYWW will be covered in gifts, cards, cakes and, well who knows?
Here is my WIP this week:
At the front are three recipes for plum chutney, I will do an amalgam of the three, in other words whichever ingredients I have/don't have! Resting on one recipe is a little red frog which came from a Christmas cracker on Sunday. At the back are the latest ribbon trees which I have made and to the left is a scrap of paper with some very tempting details of a holiday to Malta!
I have had a lovely week with a craft fair on Saturday and my niece, her husband and their son coming for dinner on Sunday. It was bitter sweet as they flew back to San Diego on Monday and we don't know when we will see them again. There were a few tears and a lot of hugs.
I am so busy between now and December the first that I have written a list with something to do on every day!
I'll leave you with a few photos and urge you to take a look around the world via Julia's Blog
             Another party shot, guess which one is me!

A selection of cards and tags

                      Bunting and lavender bags
  My two boys and Corbin, my great nephew. Great? He was awesome
Have a great WOYWW


  1. Hi Jacko, I seemed to have missed your last couple of posts somehow, they didn't appear in my reader. Looks like you might have had a headache after your party, good girl! You have been busy with your family and all your fundraising, the craft fair stuff looks very professional!
    Hope you can join us tomorrow.x

  2. Hi Jacki, I love all your crafty makes, I bet they really sell well. Lovely photos, you sure look good for someone exiting their forties - it is not so bad really, wait until you exit your fifties! Hope you have a lovely birthday and get lots of lovely goodies. Thanks for your visit. Happy WOYWW, Anne x #65

  3. Gorgeous makes there love them all :) hope you have a lovely birthday sounds like you have already :) you look fab too.

    Happy WOYWW and happy birthday

    Lou #87

  4. Being past the Big 5.0. is not that bad - I'm just as loud and stupid as when I was in my 20s...possibly louder actually! Hope you have a wonderful week leading up to the Big Day!
    Your stall looked amazing - as did you in that lovely pic :)
    Hugs, LLJ #68 xx

  5. love your ribbon trees Jaki, plum chutney sounds yum! Glad you had a good weekend and enjoyed your niece visiting!

  6. fab crafty things you have on offer. lovely trees i'm making the same one in a week or two. it's always said when family have to leave. jill #55

  7. What a lot of crafty loveliness you've been creating... And from what I can make out, each decade seems better than the one before - so go for it with gusto! Happy WOYWW!
    Alison x

  8. What lovely little trees and I love your set up for the shows. Good Luck!

  9. Let me just say an early Happy Birthday and welcome to the fifties club! I have to tell you--we fifty somethings know how to live! You're going to love it. Wish I could send you all a Michaels--you really would love that too. I take it for granted sometimes, but we are lucky to have one. Love those little Christmas trees. Happy WOYWW! Sandy Leigh #6

  10. I love your crafts! You are so creative. Those fabric christmas trees have inspired me to start making them for a Christmas party. Happy WOYWW!!

  11. Your sales table looks more and more wonderful every time you do a sale. You'll be needing a shop soon hun!
