Wednesday evening found me sitting in a school hall listening to a deputy head teacher explaining the options process to me. Now to start with, she looked about 25, far too young to be a head teacher and after sitting listening to her for half an hour I didn't know anymore than when I arrived! Mainly because I'd read all the bumpf the school had sent home with my son on Thursday! I still remember my options process and the resentment and anger I felt towards my school for not letting me choose 'my' options, rather they told me what I was going to take. I have always thought that it is important to study a language to at least GCSE level, not because I think we need it to communicate with but more that it shows employers that you have the capacity to think in a different way 'outside the box' as it were. If you study languages, you have to think differently, construct sentences in different ways than we do in English, you can also see patterns, similarities and differences. Anyway, I have now changed my mind as I don't want my son to feel that he only took French or German because I insisted that he did, I don't want him to get to my age and still feel cheated that he couldn't choose 'his' options. He wants to do triple science, which is a tough choice, history, music and he then has one left to choose and I am leaving that totally up to him. A big part of me hopes that he chooses photography so that we can practise together. (ever the control freak!)
Before we went to the school I shoved this in the oven:
It was blooming lovely! I don't usually take pictures of my dinner but couldn't resist this as it looked like something from a recipe book. The reason I needed an easy dinner was that I'd spent the day sewing bunting and cushions and cutting out interwoven hearts. Well to be strictly truthful Siriorn made the cushion and worked out how to do the hearts as I couldn't fathom it out. She is a genius! She was making a cushion cover and sewed the zip in and then decided, that because the material was so pretty, she didn't want the stitches to be seen. So she spent the next hour and a half making some complicated design to hide the stitching, the finished cushion is just so lovely but there is no way I can charge enough for it to cover the hours it took!
This is the fancy hidden zip!

I've messed up here by trying to be clever and adding a caption!! |
On Thursday morning another of my 'old' friends came for coffee so that we could discuss the idea of a party. What we finally decided, I think, was that we would just recreate all of those Friday and Saturday nights we used to have. You know the thing, meet at 8 o'clock in Shades, have a drink there, then go to The Druids Head and just carry on having a drink in each pub until you get to the late night bar and finally end up in The Pink Coconut!
Happy days indeed. The thing was we don't remember spending much money, mainly because we got a few under our belts before we left home, we were also rather good at getting people to buy us drinks. I also remember walking home at two in the morning rather than getting a taxi! Yes, the streets of Brighton were safe then for a young girl to walk home alone, slightly intoxicated and fear free. Thinking back I don't think they really were but we just did it!
I will find some more eighties photos just to give you all a laugh!
I'm typing this listening to Andy Murray in the faint hope that he may win.
Have a great weekend and thanks for stopping by. |
Beautiful cushion and your dinner looks just scrumptious!
ReplyDeleteI feel your pain! My son chose his options last year and it was much the same story. I'm with you on the language and so are the school, so he didn't have much choice in the matter. It was all about the English Baccalaureate, which you only gain if you have a modern language. Those interwoven hearts are very clever and your bunting looks great.
ReplyDeleteFiona x
It all looks beautiful Jak, and the dinner. I remember the Pink Coconut or Sherry's as it used to be called.