Wednesday, 1 February 2012

WOYWW #139

Over the weeks I've had people commenting that my workspace is very neat and tidy so this week I thought I'd post a picture of where I am currently storing my craft supplies. Now this is a bit of a movable feast depending on the time of year. In my house I have a spare room which I use to sleep in because of my husband's terrible snoring! During the peak summer months it is filled with foreign visitors, I teach English as a foreign language, and the rest of the year it is a general dumping ground! So my craft storage gets moved around and fills any spare space. It is currently in an alcove in the front room:
What do we have? At the front is my sewing machine, which I talked about last week, to the right of the machine is a knitted bag which I bought in a charity shop for £1.50, It needed a bit of attention but it is now as good as new. At the back is my set of storage drawers which used to be more than enough, however we now have the overflow boxes! In front of the drawers is one such overflow box, it is awaiting sorting. In front of that is a brown paper carrier bag filled with stuff I no longer use and I am in the process of swapping on a Facebook page, if that fails I will take it with me to the craft fair I'm doing later this month. On top of the drawers are my ribbons in their special antique box, they are always tidy because I love them the best! Next to the ribbons are pizza boxes filled with 12x12 papers, I have sorted them all out and am waiting until I have enough money to buy some proper storage for them. What you can't see is a huge box which I bought from TK Max in which I store my card blanks and envelopes.
Lisa Jane decided to share her drawers with us today so if it's good enough for her it's good enough for me!
Rubber Stamp Drawer
Overflow Ribbon Drawer
Glitter and Ink Pad Drawer

Toppers and Doily Drawer

Well enough of me and my half sorted drawers, why don't you show me yours? Hop over to Julia's page have a look at some others and put yours on there too! Wednesdays are such fun.
If any of you are still awake, I'll post tomorrow about my exciting trip to London mixing with the stars!
Thanks for stopping by


  1. hope you getit sorted it took me a good day to sort outmy mess x

  2. Some great crafty goodies and yesterday's dinner in post below looked yummy!!!!!hugs trace x no53

  3. Well I enjoyed my mooch around your crafty space... it never ever gets to be exactly the way you want, does it? Some lovely stash there. We manage to fill up any space we can get for ourselves. I'm on a purge at the moment.
    I fully sympathise with the snoring DH. Scare him that sleep apnoea can effect his heart (which is true) and get him to pressure his doc to send him to a sleep clinic. After many years of strife, my DH now has breathing apparatus and I sleep to it's soft sounds and thinking I'm by the sea hearing gentle waves. He is healthier and brighter and more alert and we are both happier.
    Love JoZarty x

  4. I love that you have a drawer for doilies! Sorry about the snoring, I love nothing better than a good nights sleep and I hate having it interrupted!

    Brenda 115

  5. Great goodies! Hope you enjoy this WOYWW. Zo x 89

  6. I am jealous of your Zumba friend! He is gorgeous, even if he probably is on the little bus. That little note in your draw, does it say "thank you for the sausage"? I have sausages on the brain today. Lovely drawers missus ;-)

  7. Nicely organised drawers you have there lol... mine not quite so good. My pages are not very interesting so you would not enjoy reading them.... lol... not much happening this month. Have good day Love Cynthia # 2 x

  8. WWWHHHHHAAAA! yes I thought you were a tidy un like me, but alas its good to see a bit of things in need of a sort out! The drawers are full of goodies :) and I love the Black Paper Bag with my name on it :)

  9. It's funny how we crafters keep certain things completely organized and then other things seem to be a bit all over the place. Thanks for sharing your space! :)

  10. You and I share the same storage solutions for ribbons and the like.

  11. Lots of lovely craft goodies to have a fun time playing with :)

    Have a fab WOYWW and a great week, Karen #108

  12. You can tell it's a storage to move. It's always fun to see how others store their stash and what works for them.
    Thanks for sharing.

  13. Lots of crafty stash and storage my kind of woyww, hope you have a great week Lou @#26

  14. Lots of stash, it's a shame you have to keep moving around, mind you it may not be a bad thing as you can discover new stash each time, your drawers are looking rather full I must say, Hugs May x x x

  15. I like that! "I showed you my drawers, now show me yours!" I may have to keep that in mind for a future WOYWW. I like how you said your ribbon is nicely sorted in its special box because you love it best. I guess right now nothing is my favorite, but I do that! The thing I'm using the most is the best kept.

  16. wow lots of fun stuff there. Have fun getting it organized! I am offering up some blog candy so come leave a comment on my blog and get a chance to win! Thanks for sharing and have a great week. Vickie #90

  17. oooh would love to have a rummage through your ribbon stash!!! come and leave a comment on my blog and have a chance of winning some candy! i am new to blogging and looking forward to making some new crafty friends! xxxx

  18. Love your drawers, missus! My stash overflows too...

  19. Mr.Chips tells me he heard you on Radio 2 last night talking about rhubarb ???????????
    No time for WOYWW, I have just started a new job y'know. Am I let off?

  20. Thanks for the lovely peek into the overflow! It was fun!

  21. i enjoyed my peek into all your drawers with your collection of goodies. my hubby snores too so he now has a machine that makes him sleep soooo quietly! thank you for sharing!
    peggy aplSEEDS

  22. Lot's of lovely stuff there!
    I'm working my way through this weeks WOYWW - I’m over half way through now!


  23. I thought I was the only one who had a doily drawer-glad to see someone else out there has one too. And your drawers are also very neat. Thanks for sharing. Danielle#22
