Wednesday, 23 January 2013


I decided that I wasn't going to start this post in the usual way as we all know what day it is and why we are here! So here it is:
At the front are eggs,jars and recipes. Today I'll be making blood orange curd. In the middle is a pile of cards I made last week all ready to be sold. At the back are four jars of mango chutney which I made yesterday. Luckily the stink of the vinegar masked the vile smell which had blown over from France, I kid you not! And finally at the back is a pile of coins from our coin pot. I send my son to school every day with a pound but I have no change, hence the raid.

On Monday I was supposed to travel to Bristol for the funeral of a lady I'd never met. Sounds strange I know, but we met on Facebook and we made friends. Her generosity touched me; she sent me a donation for Epilepsy action because she said my photographs of the preparation for my tea party kept her going in hospital whilst she was receiving treatment for leukaemia  Unfortunately, Nina died just after Christmas after contracting a virus she just couldn't shake off. She was only 42 and leaves behind a husband and 15 year old daughter. I didn't make it to the funeral because of the weather so at 4pm, the time of her funeral, I did this instead:
Nina, loved cake!

And finally, do you fancy making a young man very happy? Another Facebook friend was saying yesterday how sad she felt for her 14 year old son as he had only received 4 birthday cards, which included one from her and one from the dog. Her son has special needs and it just made me so sad to think of this young lad with so few cards. I decided I was going to make it my mission to ask as many people as possible to make cards and send them to him. His mum will keep them all until she gets a big pile and tell them they must have all got stuck in the snow. If you want to be a part of this RAK, please leave a comment and I will pass on the address.

And the final finally, hop over to Julia's blog to check out some more creative spaces. Keep warm and have fun 


  1. God, wasn't it an awful stink! Pls forward the address of the young lad and I will send a card.

  2. Read about the great stink in the paper this morning so don't envy you that. Do envy you the blood-orange curd, sounds delicious. Haven't seen a blood orange for years.
    Thanks for calling in on my blog - much appreciated.
    Ann B

  3. What an amazing made me feel very inspired. pls forward me the address and I will send a card. Cx

  4. Very interesting desk. Chutney I love. Glad I'm here in Glasgow and nowhere near the stink. Sounds horrific.
    Please sent me details for the RAK. Would be delighted to send a card.

  5. I am sure your curd tastes fantastic!!!

    Will watch my markers and stuff carefully. Thanks for the warning! ;)

    Have a wonderful WW!

    die amelie x

  6. I haven't seen any blood oranges for a long time. They are the best for marmalade, so much more flavour. I hadn't heard anything about a bad stink from France. Do you know what it was? thank you for your visit. Have a good week. xx Maggie #20

  7. You have been a busy bee and the orange stuff sounds interesting. I am happy to hear another mum has to look here and there for the £1 for school
    Ria #92

  8. You are such a sweetheart. I would love to send your friend's son a card. I am sorry for the passing of your friend Nina, but I'm sure she is in a place where she is now at peace.
    April #110

  9. What a lovely post, Jaki. Orange curd...yum!!!! You sound very industrious with all your chutneys and things, I bet your house smells sublime. I heard about that smell from France but thankfully it didn't reach as far North as Yorkshire.
    I'm so sorry about your friend, that is no age at all. She sounds like a very special person.
    I am more than happy to send your friend's Son a card, poor wee chap. We all need cards on our birthday.
    Thank you so much for your great comments. I am much calmer now. Thankfully, DD enjoys crafting with me and I know she has creativity and can tell her so. I did put a note in her art folder to assure the teacher it was all her own work but when I said about e-mailing school DD said she didn't want to cause trouble. You know what children are like when their parents want to cause waves, they like a quiet life, I know I did!!
    Happy WOYWW
    Hugs Lisax #60

  10. oooh, I have never tried orange curd let alone blood orange curd, must try that out, an orange drizzle cake sounds just the ticket for a miserable january day!
    Laughing about getting the dog off the paper, luckily it was still in it's plastic bag so unharmed and now off the floor I might add!

  11. I think we're both trying to pass on some good vibes....I'm convinced that good engenders good, sometime when we need help, someone will be there. And it's amazing how people we've never met are able to touch our heart. Nina was at your tea, no doubt about it :)
    Hugs, LLJ 37 xx

  12. Jaki please send me the boys address and I will send a card. I live in the US so it will take a bit for him to get it but...It comes from far far away! I can empathize with you and the cake and tea yesterday! I think I am closer to some people I have never met then I am to some blood relatives! Thanks for sharing and have a great crafty week! Vickie #35

  13. OK-I got a little side tracked over at the anti elf on a shelf blog...too funny! A lovely tribute to your friend as well. Please send me the address for your young friend, I would be happy to send a card!

    ♥ Sue Kment

  14. Thanks for stopping by, you've been busy, and doing the homemaker things. Keeps us at peace. Enjoy the week and Happy WOYWW

  15. Love the tea you did for your friend what a lovely idea - Please send me the address of the young man I will happily make and send a card - Nicky #82

  16. Hi Jaki, your blood orange curd sounds yummy ... I, too, haven't seen a blood orange for many a year. I read about that smell from France, and my in-house industrial chemist (retired) tells me that it was caused by the chemical, Mercaptan, which smells like rotten eggs - yuck!! He tells me that he once had to shut down the labs at work because of a leak and the young man responsible was thrown off the bus and made to walk home because of the stink!

    I'd be pleased to send the young boy a card too - let me have his details and I'll make and post one pdq.

    Elizabeth x #40

  17. You know what? Count me in.

    e-mail me:
    trishatoo at hotmail dot com

  18. OOh you are so productive. I had some 'ruby' oranges last week, god they were sharp, woul dhave been perfect in a curd or something, I just didn't even think of it!!
