Wednesday, 9 January 2013


Wednesday again! Really must get back in the habit of blogging more as I'm only doing it once a week. Oh well, here goes
So, what do we have this week? At the back on the left there is evidence that I have broken my New Year's promise, well when Dunelm Mills have Bazzill Basics for 24p a sheet it would have been rude not to. At the front is proof that I have been crafting, a birthday card for a 14 year old boy, In the middle are the binoculars that I bought my son for Christmas, we were all excited to watch 'Stargazing Live'last night and hopeful to see stars, however it was not to be all we got was rain. Also there is a pack of cards and a single matchstick, my husband and youngest son were playing pontoon last night. And finally a gift for me from a friend. 'Lovely' I hear you say, I'm in two minds about it and its message! Oh yes, and at the back The Hairy Dieter's cookery book and a job application form to be a home help!

Now run along over to Julia's blog to see some more exciting desks.
I'll leave you with a shot of my lovely tidy cupboards and a message from my sponsors!


  1. Really Jacko! Are you referring to the weather?

  2. Hi there Jaki.. ha ha love the message from the sponsors.. hope they provided the spices as well :D and yes is moist here but too different sort of moist.. good for swimming..
    Thanks for popping over and for sharing ~ happy WOYWW Shaz in oz.x #6

  3. LOL thanks for the smile! And thanks also for the Dunelm headsup - I might just head over there. And a third thanks for your comments about my cushions - the buttons are sewn on BTW. Happy Wednesday. :o)
    Sue x (MiniOwner@53)

  4. What a lovely workdesk, full of so many items. The card is a great for a photographer I know, thanks for the idea! Happy WOYWW! Karen 93 x

  5. Ha Jaki! Love the message from the sponsors! To dang cute! I seen your cards on the desk, that is my second favorite thing to do, right after crafting is playing games with my friends and family. I have fallen into the pattern of only blogging on Wednesdays, I need to get out of, but, hey, I am thinking, at least I am doing it once a week and THAT'S a struggle. I guess I should make a New Years Resolution to blog at least once a month...but resolutions seem to never get accomplished so I don't make them....I do better with very short term goals.

    have a wonderful week,

    Robin #36

    1. I wanted to say, I love your blog title! To dang cute, I say!

  6. Lol!! now there's a new game, store cupboard anagrams!! Moist made me snigger, which just goes to show what an incredibly childish sense of humour I have...just ask Julia!
    Are you planning to be a home help? I take my hat off to you if you are...that requires patience that I simply do not possess.... Good luck anyway :)
    Hugs, LLJ 38 xxxx

  7. Like the boy card. Too bad on the star gazing. Maybe tomorrow.

    I am new to WOYWW and friends with Sandee. Hope you have a chance to check out my blog and desk.
    Lori #81

  8. What a cute card, boys are difficult to make for I think. Sorry about the weather.

  9. Love the message in the jars..! I get out my phone it has google sky maps and it shows you where all the planets are so you can then go and hunt them out! Yes...the tubs and the cardboard packetsd and pretty bags, I save them all, so I can 'make something' and I never finish!!Happy WOYWW!!!! Happy New Year...I may've missed last week, some blogs comments would not open!


  10. Hi
    This is my first time at WOYWW and I hope you don't mind me looking around your blog while I am here.

  11. Oh my gawd! I totally want my spice jars to have letters on them so I can leave messages in the cupboard! I confess to seeing a match and a packet of cigarettes at first glance on your desk and then you said you broke your New Year's resolution.... I thought, "oh no!" But luckily I see it was just me seeing things. Well, of course you had to have the Bazzill paper for so inexpensive. I totally understand! And you are right that it would be rude not to.

  12. Hi Jaki, Thanks for the very warm welcome to my first WOYWW (officially that is). I've been browsing it for a while, just too embarrassed to show a picture of my desk. Yours was so tidy & neat...I was impressed. That will be a goal for me to try to achieve. Loved the pic of your tidy cupboard too! I need to have you visit and get me that organized. Hope you enjoyed a look round the blog while you were there, and hopefully liked what you saw enough to visit again as time permits. Look forward to seeing you and I'll be back again...maybe next week.

  13. The Hairy Dieters Cookbook? That just sounds wrong on so many levels! lol waving hi from the hills of North Carolina :)

  14. Thanks for sharing your work space and your MOIST spices lol!

    Happy WOYWW!

    Apryl #9

  15. LOL!! Love the spices!!

    Happy Crafting!
    Jeannie #60

  16. Thank you for stopping by my site and leaving a comment. I know exactly what you're saying about your gift. I hope you get a clear night soon for star gazing. And I am sure your card will be a hit. :-)
    April #136

  17. I really suck at male cards! I always want to stick a flower or some bling somewhere LOL Your desk has a lot of interesting things this week.
    Happy belated WOYWW!
    Tertia 17
