Tuesday, 20 December 2011

Please Forgive Me?

Just a quick post to say I'll be back later to do a full post! I, like all of you, have been so busy I haven't had the time to blog. This is precisely the reason my diary keeping never worked either!

I promise, after I've taken my children to the pier, made cakes for afternoon tea with my Dad, been to the post office, thought of something for dinner........

See you later!
This, BTW, is a blue arsed fly!
So I'm back and have decided to do the catch up in pictures!
Thursday: wrapping, there are more presents other than wine!
Friday: making my husband's present and shopping for all the little food treats.
Saturday: Christmas tree, finally
Sunday: another pre-Christmas Christmas dinner
Monday: hand delivering Christmas cards and re-visiting my old haunts
Tuesday: Chillaxing on the pier and beach in Worthing.


  1. That pier pic reminds me of when Andy Beech took me to the pictures (remember him?) and afterward we went on the pier, and before you ask, no I didn't!
    Have a great Christmas Jacko maybe we could meet up in the new year?

  2. I love the pier :-) I miss the pier :-(
    Blue arsed fly AKA me! Keep blogging, love to read it. X

  3. I was never much of a diary keeper either and there are some things I just can't be bothered to do unless it really grabs me! Applying foot cream every night before bed - you know you should to have kitten soft pinkies but sigh.. just doesn't get done!!
    I live in Wiltshire and go shopping down to Winchester but yes, the possibility of a hook-up is always there :)
    Wishing you joy and happiness this Christmas,
    Hugs, LLJ #43 xx
