Wednesday, 7 December 2011

Two Days in One

Tuesday and Wednesday joined together! Only been blogging a few weeks and already I'm getting behind, should really have been born at a quieter time of year.

On Tuesday lunch times I teach and so I don't really like to start anything in the morning so I only made a couple of cards. These were inspired by Marion Emberson as I'd seen them on her blog, I also was the lucky winner and received one in the post. She made them look so easy and I deceided to try. First rule is always, if something looks easy it isn't!
Hers looks classy, simple and elegant. Mine looks like a four year old did it. See for yourselves
 I made a few and then posted them on the QVC Facebook page I've mentioned before and Marion gave a few more instructions like: do the Glossy Accents tree shape onto a craft sheet then lift it off and stick to the card! Wish I'd known that before. I don't usually do two cards the same but I will try again with this tree.
I made a couple more cards using a tiny stamp and some lovely new ultra fine glitter that I bought from QVC

On Wednesday I spent the day sewing cushion covers. One for the man at the craft fair I did on Saturday and one for Kirsty Wiseman's daughter as a little present. I also started on some button hearts for some people who saw them on my Facebook page.
There was great excitement in the Morris household as we took delivery of a new TV. My youngest was desperate to get it out of the box but I was under strict instructions from his father that it was to be left until he was home from work. This meant that my son kept texting, calling and looking out of the window all evening.
One thing I have learnt from this is never let the men of the house decide on the screen size!
Thanks for stopping by.


  1. Lolol - does the new telly take up half your living room??! They do like the big ones, don't they..bless 'em. Why IS it so important for blokes to have huge screens? You could always drape some paper chains across the top :)
    Hugs, LLJ #3 xx
    PS I thought your swirly tree was rather good, actually :)

  2. Well hello Lunch lady Jan! I just looked at your blog, wondferful
    So you're a sewer too. I love your bunting, if I may say so! I made some this year and sold some at Christmas fairs. It is beautiful, isn't it.
    Thanks for reading

  3. ohooo lovely cards, love the two cards with loads of trees on them, they look fab! I can't find your woyww post or any links so I'll say hi here!! could be blogger sometimes I can't see all the pictures and some times can't find the comment box! Have a great crafty week
    Lyn #31

    ps...are you going to change your blog title next year,/! Great, I'm thinking changing mine to only "21000 and something weeks til I'm 100!!" fabulous!!

  4. Fab cards Jacko. I too thought your xmas tree was good and great use of a small stamp on the other cards. Have been churning them out myself all week. (as got behind with the craft fair)
    You should know by now what blokes are like about size, you worked with enough of them.

  5. You'll get used to the screen size. .probably!!
    Well done with the diamond glaze tree, bet you get into a groove with it and do loads!

  6. Those cupcakes are adorable. I'd have to start eating from the bottom of the cupcake and leave the snowman for last......

    Your cards look very nice. I like the two with all the little trees -- a forest for elves.
