On Sunday I sent a box of cakes with my youngest son to his football match to share with the other boys, big mistake. Why? Because he came back from training last night with an order for another load! Oh well, I don't really mind they only take 5 minutes to knock out.
Over the last few weeks I've been hunting for various items that I've lost. I seem to either find them after I've bought a replacement, for example my ATG tape, or I'm looking for one thing and I find something else. Yesterday's find was my Nan's old button tin. I inherited it a few years ago and it's full of lovely buttons, one of which was attached to a C&A tag, who's old enough to remember C&A? The other thing I love about it is that it is an old formula milk tin which must have been my sister's. On the lid is an embossed sign saying 'use before 1 Aug 1960', a genuine antique.
I needed the buttons as I have orders for three button covered hearts to complete, it was lovely tipping the buttons out all over my table, not so much fun putting them back in the tin though.
The only thing that remains lost now is my address book, this is a big problem as I need it for my Christmas cards. The problem is I can't but another one and I haven't got anything else to look for so that I can find it! Does that make sense? Probably not. I think it's time for coffee!
Thanks for stopping by and thanks for all the people who came by yesterday and left comments from the WOYWW page.
Enjoy your day
Blimey Jak, that tin's even older than us!
ReplyDeleteI know, hard to believe! I should take it to Flog It!