Tuesday, 13 December 2011

Tuesday Teaching

This morning I had a lovely time showing a former student of mine how to make Christmas cards. I taught her English a few years ago and we have remained friends; she has always loved my cards and when she asked if I had time to show her how to make some, I couldn't say no.

I tried not to bring too much stuff down as I know what it's like, you just can't make a decision as everything looks so tempting. I showed her my box of Christmas cards I've made already and she chose some she'd like to make, using mine as a guide.
This was the table at one point
I believe I was in the process of tidying up!
Hanka made 6 cards and bought some of my padded heaarts, which was a bonus. I did manage to make a few cards myself inbetween running up and down stairs every ten minutes.

I love the way that October Afternoon goes so well with Cosmo Cricket; these two companies are the ones I always look for at craft shows.
After I'd cleared up, well more like moved a few bits around the table, it was off to church to see my youngest son's final carol service. Yes, I admit I got a lump in my throat and my eyes filled, briefly. The song that did it for me was John Lennon's 'War is Over', to hear those cleaar, young voices confidently telling us that war is over if we want it made me think of all those people still serving in wars and all those families missing their loved ones at Christmas. But more importantly, all those famillies who will never have them back.
When I came home there was another lovely rainbow at the back of my house so I quickly grabbed my camera and attempted to catch the beauty of it. We've had some strange weather recently but some amazing rainbows, if only I knew how to capture the whole thing on camera.
This evening we went to a local carvery for a lovely big roast, all for £5.95 each but, best of all it was paid for with money I earnt from doing soemthing I love; crafting!
Thanks for stopping by.


  1. Lol! Sounds like you had a nice time Jaki making cards with your friend. I love the rainbow too.

    The cards you make are stunning.


  2. Oh Love the rainbow Jaki and the colours of the pic look all romantic and nostalgic and dreamy - love it! The roast sounded yummy too, I resorted to a chinese takeaway as I'm working night duty this week and can't be bothered to cook - would rather sleep!!! :)

  3. The cards are lovely and I love the rainbow pics. I agree about the weather Jaki. We have had rain, giant hailstones, thunder and lightening all while the sun is shining! What's that about hey???? lol susiesu xxx

  4. Flabby cards luvvie and I agree about CC and OA.
