Wednesday, 21 December 2011


So, it's Wednesday again and here's what my table looked like earlier
I was making this:

It's supposed to be Yoda, just to say I don't think I'll be making many more, too fiddly.
Last night I had the most fun ever whilst sitting in front of my laptop. I've mentioned before a Facebook page for crafters run by Kirsty Wiseman, Marion Emberson and Amy Shaw, and last night they had planned a U-Stream broadcast demonstrating some 'quick'makes for Christmas.
We were all sat in front of our screens at 8pm waiting patiently. After a few blips Kirsty showed us how to make a Christmas tree, a bauble and a card, then she handed over to Marion. That's when the real fun began! So many technical problems but oh so many laughs, if somebody doesn't post it to youtube or Britain's funniest videos, I'll eat my hat! You really had to be there.
I did manage to make this though:
Not as lovely as Kirsty's but not bad for a first attempt! I'll certainly be making more.
About an hour ago I popped my head out of the front door to look for my son and I saw this:

Isn't the sky a marvellous thing?
Thanks for stopping by and enjoy your Wednesday


  1. Wonderful sky there Jaki.... I loved the whole thing last night too... such fun ... managed to miss how to make that fab tree though.. tuned in too late xx

  2. Fabarooni sky pic Jacko. Who was that bloke at GH that we called Yoda? (Dave someone or other ex BMI)

  3. Yes last night was brill - missed Amy so dont know what she did. What a beautiful sky - colours are amazing - isnt nature wonderful? have u used a book or a magazine for your tree and how many pages? lol xxx

  4. Much as I love your Yoda cut out, I have to ask...why??! It's not something you normally see on WOYWW! Was it a commission from a mad keen Star Wars fan? LOL. I think you need to do a whole series :D
    hugs, LLJ #43 xxx

  5. That is so much fun! Thank you for sharing the sunset picture :)
    Katie (106)

  6. Lol, it was so funny on tge connect channel as somebody said.
    My back was hurting all yesterday from laughing!


    P.s I like your yoda

  7. Looks like you've been having fun. :) Merry Christmas! Tango #84

  8. I see a Yoda and a tree so outer space and Christmas are looking good! Thanks for sharing in such a busy week! Hope you have a very festive and wonderfully merry time - see you in 2012! Sarah at 11.

  9. The snowflake definitely looks like Yoda, so you got that down pat. Gorgeous sky, thanks for sharing!

  10. love the tree, and WOW what a fantastic pic of the evening sky x x Merry Christmas, Hugs May x x x

  11. LOVING the Yodas. And definitely a big yes to getting together with our new stuff - I can't wait!

  12. Hello, Jaki! I'm dropping by to greet you and your loved ones a joyful and blessed Christmas season! Sounds like you had a fun time! Gorgeous sky!
    Thanks for sharing!
    peggy aplSEEDS
